Since 17 June sustained hostilities in south-west Syria triggered high levels of displacement and led to rapid systematic territorial gains by the Government of Syria (GoS). The GoS army and their allies took control of large areas of NSAG-controlled territories in the south from the east towards the west, leading to a temporary peak in displacement numbers with an estimated 285,000-325,000 individuals at the height of hostilities on 4 July.
The humanitarian interventions for south-west Syria focus on protection and life-saving assistance to people affected by the latest hostilities over a three-month period.
All interventions, including both inter-sectoral and sectoral prioritized response actions, are part of the broader strategic framework of the Syria 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and funding requests will be part of the HRP budget of the respective sectors. Based on the severity of needs, multisectoral assistance will include emergency health and specialized nutrition support, drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene kits, emergency food assistance, shelter support, basic emergency NFIs, and protection interventions.
The humanitarian community recognizes that in view of the shift of control of border crossing points, cross-border activities have reduced significantly, with the last convoy from Ramtha under SCR 2165 departing on 25 June. As a result, a scale-up is required from Damascus-based partners through inter-agency convoys and regular deliveries. A combination of delivery modalities is crucial to maintaining the provision of life-saving assistance and basic services to people in need.
The humanitarian response in south-west Syria is led by the Syria Humanitarian Country Team in coordination with the Whole of Syria coordination framework which prioritizes the delivery of assistance through the most direct and efficient way.
This three-month plan provides an overview of the key humanitarian needs that have arisen as a result of the escalation of military operations in Dar’a, Quneitra and AsSweida governorates in south-west Syria and related emergency response efforts. It outlines the most critical humanitarian needs, the emergency inter-sectoral response strategy, key humanitarian interventions, access constraints and capacity to respond. The plan has been jointly developed by the Syria Inter-Sector Group and the Jordan Inter-Sector Working Group in collaboration with all relevant humanitarian partners.